Hello to my one blog follower!
At times, I wish I could include sound and perhaps video in my stories. "Perhaps you should write for film," you say? That isn't quite what I mean. I suppose I just want to show people what I'm trying to get at in my story, and to show the inspiration for the story would make that easier. I suppose, really, what I'm trying to do in writing is bring something to life through another person's imagination, which means I'm trying to make them feel what I feel when I watch this:
Where Historical and Fantasy fiction meet, one starts writing about the spirit of an age, rather than the age itself. I suspect, in trying to capture the truth of anything, the spirit becomes everything. Though in all honesty, you'd have to ask a wiser person than myself.
I'm a speculative fiction author and lifelong aspirant, struggling with motivation and craft like us all. The skills of writing, the hope and the despair are all part of the beauty of art, so here I embrace them. Here I'll share my journey, everything I learn along this arduous hike for self-discovery up Mount Everest. Whether you're after the rants of a once frustrated student, now frustrated author, or just the sound advice of a snide Canadian, Everest by Fog is here... and now so are you.